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Know a Beard. Love a Beard: Tyler Michaels

February 16, 2015January 28, 2018No comments

Week four of “Know a Beard. Love a Beard.” Not sure what I can say that countless others already haven’t already said, but I’m going to try.

Tyler Michaels. Probably the most recognizable of the Bearded Men, at least around Minneapolis. If you didn’t know it, Tyler is currently one of the most sought after scripted actors around the Twin Cities. As a person, Tyler is friendly, nutty, and creative. He’s always up to try something new or different. People like to be around someone who is willing to put themselves out there and Tyler does just that, time and time again. Tyler has always been the type of person that inspires you to jump in, full body, full heart, full passion, right along with him.

As an actor/improvisor…this is where I don’t know exactly what to say. So many people have written about Tyler in the past couple years that I’m not sure how else to say that he’s talented. The guy is just a burst of energy on stage. It’s an energy that fills everyone up, right there with him. He’s not trying to take the spotlight, he’s trying to make it bigger, so more people can fit within it. From his characters to his physicality to his emotional commitment, Tyler really has a presence on stage all his own. He’s always been an amazing support in creating our themed shows and I know I can always count on Tyler bringing his all to our shows.

Like I said, this guy is all over the Twin Cities theater scene. Beyond Bearded Men, he’s currently performing at the Guthrie and getting great reviews, not to mention the dynamite work he’s done with Theater Latté Da, Chanhassen Dinner Theatres, 7th House Theater and the list goes on. He acts, sings, dances, directs, creates, I mean I am amazed at how he keeps this all going and still makes time for his friends, family and a board game from time to time.

Tyler Michaels and the Bearded Men










Written by:
Joe Rapp
Managing Director

Photos: Ryan Haro

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